
Cul­ture, leisure and sport

Mu­se­ums in Ro­s­tock

The Kul­turhis­torisches Mu­seum Ro­s­tock in the court­yard of the his­toric Abbey of the Holy Cross is the old­est and most fa­mous of Ro­s­tock’s art and cul­tural his­tory mu­se­ums. Its cul­tural and art-his­tory ranges from paint­ing to graphic de­sign to hand­i­crafts, coins, fur­ni­ture, mil­i­tary an­tiques, every­day cul­ture and ar­chae­ol­ogy.

The Kun­sthalle Ro­s­tock is one of the few mu­se­ums of con­tem­po­rary art in north­ern Ger­many. It's a na­tion­ally renowned gallery fo­cus­ing on avant-garde.

The Schiff­fahrts- und Schiff­bau­mu­seum Ro­s­tock is Ger­many’s largest float­ing mu­seum. The en­tire world of sea­far­ing and ship­build­ing is brought to life on­board this tra­di­tional ship.

The Heimat­mu­seum Warnemünde is one of the old­est and most im­por­tant folk­lore col­lec­tions in Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern. It show­cases Warnemünde’s lo­cal his­tory, as well as the de­vel­op­ments in re­gional fish­ing, skilled trades, tourism, and the way of life in a fish­ing vil­lage on the Baltic Sea coast.

Along with its four city mu­se­ums, Ro­s­tock also boasts a num­ber of other col­lec­tions, such as those at the Uni­ver­sity of Ro­s­tock’s in­sti­tutes.