
So­cial af­fairs and health

Klinikum Südstadt Ro­s­tock (KSR) - the biggest mu­nic­i­pal hos­pi­tal in Meck­len­burg - West­ern Pomera­nia

The Klinikum Südstadt Ro­s­tock has been pro­vid­ing the peo­ple of the greater Ro­s­tock area and parts of Meck­len­burg - West­ern Pomera­nia with spe­cial­ist med­ical care since 1965

As a re­gional, non-uni­ver­sity ter­tiary hos­pi­tal, the Klinikum treats more than 30,000 in­pa­tients and semi-in­pa­tients, as well as more than 55,000 out­pa­tients, a year with its ap­prox. 1,350 staff and over 500 beds.

 From ba­sic med­ical care at the 24-hour emer­gency de­part­ment, to highly spe­cialised care in spe­cific de­part­ments, the key fo­cus is on pa­tient health. All ther­apy and di­ag­nos­tic pro­ce­dures fol­low state-of-the-art ap­proaches and com­ply with aca­d­e­mic teach­ing stan­dards. As a teach­ing hos­pi­tal for the Uni­ver­sity of Ro­s­tock, the KSR is also a train­ing fa­cil­ity.

With eight clin­ics, in­clud­ing the clinic for gen­eral, tho­racic and vas­cu­lar surgery, trauma surgery, clin­ics I to III for in­ter­nal med­i­cine, the uni­ver­sity gy­nae­col­ogy clinic, and the clinic for anaes­the­si­ol­ogy and in­ten­sive care, as well as 13 cen­tres, such as the obe­sity cen­tre and the rheuma­tism, peri­na­tal and trauma cen­tre, the Klinikum Südstadt Ro­s­tock of­fers a wide range of med­ical treat­ments.

Ro­s­tock Uni­ver­sity Med­ical Cen­tre - Cut­ting-edge med­i­cine with heart

As a tra­di­tional, and the largest, med­ical in­sti­tu­tion in the state of Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern, Ro­s­tock Uni­ver­sity Med­ical Cen­tre is the max­i­mum-care provider for the Ro­s­tock re­gion and be­yond.

Logo Uni Rostock


The Ehre­namts-Card is a way for the Hanseatic and uni­ver­sity city to say THANK YOU to its vol­un­teers.
Giv­ing your time and sup­port­ing a good cause

The Ehrenamts-Card is a way for the Hanseatic and university city to say THANK YOU