
Ci­ty Hall

A home­ly ci­ty or ro­man­tic fi­sher­men"s vil­la­ge, Midd­le Age ar­chi­tec­tu­re or a ma­gi­cal co­as­tal land­s­cape, pain­tings, theat­re and lar­ge ships, Ros­tock has so­me­thing on of­fer for eve­r­yo­ne. In the sum­mer the ci­ty with its own sea­si­de re­sort chan­ges to a sea­si­de re­sort with its own ci­ty and they are both ve­ry po­pu­lar. Eve­ry sum­mer the Bal­tic Sea and the sea­si­de re­sort of War­ne­mün­de are an at­trac­ti­ve lo­ca­ti­on for hund­reds of thousands. Sun­ba­thers and ke­en swim­mers en­joy the cool wa­ter and the wi­de san­dy be­ach. Yet the sea­si­de is not on­ly the­re for swim­ming. Small guests can do so­me­thing ne­ar­ly eve­ry day in their sum­mer ho­li­days. War­ne­mün­de, a town uni­que to the Ger­man Bal­tic co­ast­li­ne has lots of things to see and do: a light­house open to tou­rists, mo­les and gi­ant ships that sail past all day long. Im­po­sing crui­se li­ners are one of the sum­mer at­trac­tions. The Al­ter Strom is a be­au­ti­ful pla­ce to walk around and gor­ge yours­elf in. Old fi­sher­men"s hou­ses have now be­en tur­ned in­to shops, ca­fés and re­stau­rants. The fi­sh mar­ket on the op­po­si­te bank of the Al­ter Strom has al­so de­ve­lo­ped its­elf in­to a gas­tro­no­mic mi­le. Howe­ver, War­ne­mün­de is not on­ly a tip for sum­mer. You can walk or cy­cle ne­ar­ly all year round and if you"re loo­king for well­ness then you are best to co­me to Ros­tock"s sea­si­de re­sort in au­tumn and win­ter.

Eva-Maria Kröger, Oberbürgermeisterin der Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock
Eva-Ma­ria Krö­ger, Ober­bür­ger­meis­te­rin der Han­se- und Uni­ver­si­täts­stadt Ros­tock | Fo­to: Kris­ti­na Be­cker - pho­to­vi­sio­nen

Eva-Ma­ria Krö­ger
Neu­er Markt 1
18055 Ros­tock

Pho­ne: 0381 381-1600
Te­le­fax: 0381 381-1902
email: Con­ta­ct us

Dr. Chris von Wrycz Rekowski, 1st deputy lord mayor and Senate Finances and Administration and Public Order
Dr. Chris von Wry­cz Re­kow­ski, 1st de­pu­ty lord ma­yor and Se­na­te Fi­nan­ces and Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on and Pu­blic Or­der | Fo­to: Kris­ti­na Be­cker - pho­to­vi­sio­nen

Se­na­te Fi­nan­ces, Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on and Pu­blic Or­der
Chris von Wry­cz Re­kow­ski
Hin­ter dem Rat­haus 5
18055 Ros­tock

Pho­ne: 0381 381-2001
Te­le­fax: 0381 381-2600
email: Con­ta­ct us

Senator Steffen Bockhahn, Jugend, Soziales, Gesundheit und Schule
Stef­fen Bock­hahn, Se­na­tor für Ju­gend, So­zia­les, Ge­sund­heit und Schu­le, 2. Stell­ver­tre­ter des Ober­bür­ger­meis­ters | Fo­to: Joa­chim Kloock

Se­na­te for Youth, So­ci­al Af­fairs, Health, Schools and Sports
Stef­fen Bock­hahn
St.-Ge­org-Stra­ße 109
D-18055 Ros­tock

Pho­ne: 0381 381-1453
Te­le­fax: 0381 381-1905
email: Con­ta­ct us

Dr. Ute Fischer-Gäde, Senatorin für Infrastruktur, Umwelt und Bau
Dr. Ute Fi­scher-Gä­de, Se­na­to­rin für In­fra­struk­tur, Um­welt und Bau | Fo­to: Kris­ti­na Be­cker - pho­to­vi­sio­nen

Se­na­tor for Ur­ban Plan­ning, Buil­ding, Cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion and Mo­bi­li­ty
Ur­ban Plan­ning, Buil­ding, Cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion and Mo­bi­li­ty
Dr. Ute Fi­scher-Gä­de
Hol­bein­platz 14
D-18069 Ros­tock

Pho­ne: 0381 381-6000
Te­le­fax: 0381 381-6003
email: Con­ta­ct us