
City of Ro­s­tock

The Ehrenamts-Card is a way for the Hanseatic and university city to say THANK YOU
The Ehre­namts-Card is a way for the Hanseatic and uni­ver­sity city to say THANK YOU


 The Ehre­namts-Card is a way for the Hanseatic and uni­ver­sity city to say THANK YOU to its vol­un­teers.

Giv­ing your time and sup­port­ing a good cause

The com­mit­ment and ded­i­ca­tion of nu­mer­ous peo­ple in many ar­eas of daily life plays a piv­otal role in help­ing to strengthen the city’s de­mo­c­ra­tic civil so­ci­ety.

The Ehre­namtsbörse Ro­s­tock (Ro­s­tock Vol­un­teers Of­fice) of­fers per­son­alised con­sul­ta­tions to guide you in your vol­un­teer work: