
Cul­ture, leisure and sport

Con­gresses and Events

While Warnemünde and Mark­grafen­heide are es­tab­lished sea­side re­sorts and, along with Diedrichsha­gen and Hohe Düne, are among the four sea­side re­sorts of Ro­s­tock, Ro­s­tock's city cen­tre and the dis­trict of Schmarl are mak­ing their mark as con­ven­tion and even hubs.

In the Ro­s­tock city hall and the HanseMesse a va­ri­ety of events and fairs can be ex­pe­ri­enced. This in­cludes con­fer­ences and con­gresses, shows and many other so­cial high­lights.

A cruise port with a charm­ing feel

Cruise pas­sen­gers and ‘ship-spot­ters’ en­joy a unique at­mos­phere as large cruise ships moor along­side idyl­lic cap­tains’ houses and old fish­ing boats. It’s an im­pres­sive sight when the sail­boats, pas­sen­ger ships and fer­ries pass by the ma­jes­tic gi­ants as they take to the Baltic Sea

Teepott, Leuchtturm, Kreuzfahrtschiff

A pure na­ture ex­pe­ri­ence at the Ro­s­tocker Heide (Ro­s­tock Heath)

Few Ger­man cities have a city for­est larger than Ro­s­tock’s. The Ro­s­tocker Heide, which stretches along the Baltic coast from Mark­grafen­heide to the Baltic sea­side re­sort of Graal-Müritz, spans 6,000 hectares.

Aerial view Rostocker Heide

Mu­se­ums in Ro­s­tock

The Kul­turhis­torisches Mu­seum Ro­s­tock in the court­yard of the his­toric Abbey of the Holy Cross is the old­est and most fa­mous of Ro­s­tock’s art and cul­tural his­tory mu­se­ums. Its cul­tural and art-his­tory ranges from paint­ing to graphic de­sign to hand­i­crafts, coins, fur­ni­ture, mil­i­tary an­tiques, every­day cul­ture and ar­chae­ol­ogy.

Luftbild Kulturhistorisches Museum (Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock)

The Volk­sthe­ater Ro­s­tock (Peo­ple's The­atre)

Pas­sion­ate, mov­ing, sur­pris­ing, amus­ing, con­tem­pla­tive, en­ter­tain­ing… the Volk­sthe­ater Ro­s­tock’s pro­gramme is all of these things. The com­plex’s main venue is the the­atre build­ing on Dober­aner Strasse, which, in ad­di­tion to its show­piece known as the Grosses Haus

Volkstheater Rostock (People's Theatre) orchestra

Aim­ing high

Sport­ing high­lights through­out the year here come cour­tesy of F.C. Hansa Ro­s­tock, the bas­ket­ballers from EBC Ro­s­tock with the Ro­s­tock Sea­wolves, and the vol­ley­ballers from SV Warnemünde.

Ostseestadion, BMFZ, Innenstadt

Ro­s­tock­CARD - the city pass to ro­s­tock and the sur­rond­ing re­gion

How well do you know your own city? Get to know the Hanseatic and uni­ver­sity city of Ro­s­tock bet­ter, and ex­plore it at your ease! The Ro­s­tock­CARD will give you one free city tour in the down­town area

RostockCARD - the city pass to rostock and the surronding region