
Cul­ture, leisure and sport

The Volk­sthe­ater Ro­s­tock (Peo­ple's The­atre) 

Pas­sion­ate, mov­ing, sur­pris­ing, amus­ing, con­tem­pla­tive, en­ter­tain­ing… the Volk­sthe­ater Ro­s­tock’s pro­gramme is all of these things. The com­plex’s main venue is the the­atre build­ing on Dober­aner Strasse, which, in ad­di­tion to its show­piece known as the Grosses Haus (Big House), is also home to the Ate­lierthe­ater and the Bal­lettsaal (bal­let hall). The Kleine Komödie Warnemünde, as a very small branch venue in the sea­side re­sort town, of­fers a par­tic­u­larly in­ti­mate at­mos­phere and set­ting for cabaret and chan­son nights.

Every May, the Volk­sthe­ater closes the doors of its main venue and heads to the his­toric ship­build­ing hall 207 at the for­mer Nep­tun­werft dock for the ‘Volk­sthe­ater sum­mer’. It’s the per­fect place for au­di­ences to en­joy elab­o­rate sum­mer­time spec­ta­cles. In win­ter, mean­while, the tra­di­tional Christ­mas fairy­tale on the big stage is a per­ma­nent fix­ture on all Ro­s­tock­ers’ cal­en­dars. As a clas­sic city the­atre of­fer­ing drama, mu­si­cals, dance and con­certs, the venue con­sid­ers it its duty to cater to all of the city’s cit­i­zens – with a broad reper­toire rang­ing from en­ter­tain­ment to ex­per­i­men­ta­tion. All four dis­ci­plines pro­duce so­phis­ti­cated and en­joy­able per­for­mances for adults, as well as pro­jects for chil­dren and ado­les­cents, in­clud­ing work­shops and play clubs pro­mot­ing in­ter­ac­tion, learn­ing and ex­per­i­ment­ing.