
Ed­u­ca­tion and sci­ence

Ro­s­tock Uni­ver­sity of Mu­sic and The­atre

The Ro­s­tock Uni­ver­sity of Mu­sic and The­atre (hmt) is a key at­trac­tion for art and cul­ture-lov­ing lo­cals and res­i­dents from the greater re­gion. Its broad spec­trum of events, rang­ing from clas­si­cal and pop­u­lar con­certs, to play pre­miers, to in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary and ex­per­i­men­tal pro­jects, makes it a year-round venue for the­atre and con­certs. Many of the events are free of charge or have a very min­i­mal en­trance fee.

Au­di­ences en­joy be­ing in­spired by the stu­dents’ cre­ativ­ity, and keenly fol­low their artis­tic de­vel­op­ment. For many mu­si­cally gifted pupils, train­ing be­gins right from child­hood at the hmt’s Young Acad­emy Ro­s­tock, the in­ter­na­tional cen­tre for early sup­port in mu­si­cal ed­u­ca­tion.