
Ed­u­ca­tion and sci­ence

Volk­shochschule Volk­shochschule - Ed­u­ca­tion and in­ter­ac­tion un­der one roof

Since the es­tab­lish­ment of Volk­shochschulen (adult-learn­ing cen­tres), em­ploy­ees have been com­mit­ted to up­hold­ing val­ues such as re­spect, tol­er­ance, open­ness, di­ver­sity, equal op­por­tu­nity, and fair­ness. All these val­ues are re­flected in the course con­tent and lec­tures, as well as in the ac­tions of the teach­ers.

The lec­tures are in­tended to be open to every­one (aged 14 and over), re­gard­less of their in­come. It’s a place where peo­ple from all gen­er­a­tions and so­cial classes, with a wide range of ed­u­ca­tional qual­i­fi­ca­tions and cul­tural back­grounds, can in­ter­act. The fields of learn­ing con­sist of top­ics such as so­ci­ety, pol­i­tics, the en­vi­ron­ment, art, cul­ture, de­sign, health ed­u­ca­tion, lan­guages, ca­reers, ba­sic train­ing, and catch­ing up on school qual­i­fi­ca­tions.