
Aarhus - Den­mark

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1964

Hav­ing been re­warded the ti­tle of Eu­ro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture 2017, Aarhus had a spec­tac­u­lar open­ing cer­e­mony. Six Viking ships were car­ried through the city by a pro­ces­sion of thou­sands of lo­cal cit­i­zens, while a gi­ant light show il­lu­mi­nated the City Hall and other build­ings of the city cen­ter.

The most in­ter­est­ing at­trac­tions in Aarhus are the ‚Den Gamle By‘ (The Old Town), a unique open-air mu­seum which al­lows vis­i­tors to closely con­nect with his­tory and the “Tivoli Fri­he­den”, a theme park lo­cated in the beau­ti­ful Marselis­borg For­est. The Busi­ness Re­gion Aarhus is strongly fo­cused on ar­eas such as over­all in­fra­struc­ture, tourism and in­dus­trial ac­tiv­i­ties.