
Biz­erte - Tunisia

Friend­ship with Ro­s­tock since 2017

For two thou­sand years the City of Biz­erte has been a ma­jor sea­far­ing and trad­ing cen­ter.

In the ur­ban area of Biz­erte there are an outer har­bour and two in­ner har­bours, which are con­nected by a canal. Biz­erte is the cap­i­tal of the Biz­erte Gov­er­norate and the north­ern­most city of Africa.

While ex­plor­ing the city visit the old port which has ex­isted for more than 3,000 years. Biz­erte‘s econ­omy is very di­verse, in­clud­ing year-round tourism, man­u­fac­tur­ing (tex­tile, au­to­mo­bile parts, and cook­ware), and fish­ing as well as fruit and veg­etable pro­duc­tion.