
Haikou - China

Friend­ship with Ro­s­tock since 2011

With its ori­gin as early as the Han Dy­nasty the City of Haikou is over 900 years old. It is also known as the “Co­conut City” and is now the cen­ter of Hainan’s pol­i­tics, econ­omy, sci­ence, cul­ture and trans­porta­tion. Haikou’s Old town is a mix­ture of houses in Eu­ro­pean and South­east Asian styles. The streets used to be di­vided into dif­fer­ent ar­eas, sell­ing Chi­nese and west­ern med­i­cines, silk and cloth­ing, fresh fish and meat.

If you are in­ter­ested in shop­ping, you may visit Qilou Ar­cade Street, which is one of the ten his­tor­i­cal cul­tural streets in China. If you are more into na­ture, try out the Golden Bull Moun­tain Ridge Park (Jin­ni­ul­ing Park), which in­cludes a small zoo, a lake, di­verse flora, and broad wood­lands, in­clud­ing a large bam­boo for­est. Haikou ex­ports sub­stan­tial quan­ti­ties of agri­cul­tural prod­ucts. In 2005, the city launched the “Day of Haikou In­dus­try”, in or­der to pro­mote it­self as an in­dus­trial site to po­ten­tial com­pa­nies.