
Karl­skrona - Swe­den

Friend­ship with Ro­s­tock since 2000

Karl­skrona an­nu­ally hosts a mar­itime fes­ti­val, which is one of the old­est „sis­ters“ of Ro­s­tock’s in­ter­na­tional mar­itime fes­ti­val „Hanse Sail“. The city has many at­trac­tions which are granted the World Her­itage ti­tle by UN­ESCO.

One ex­am­ple is the Friedrich Church, lo­cated on the Stor­tor­get Square dat­ing back to the 18th cen­tury. The con­struc­tion of this church started in 1720. If you are in­ter­ested in mar­itime his­tory, visit the Mar­itime Mu­seum. In June 2014 the newest at­trac­tion of the mu­seum, the sub­ma­rine hall, was opened. Other fo­cuses of the city econ­omy are soft­ware de­vel­op­ment and elec­tri­cal en­gi­neer­ing.