
Dalian - China

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1988

In Dalian you can visit the Lao­hutan Ocean Park, which con­tains the Po­lar Re­gion Ma­rine An­i­mals World, the Coral Aquar­ium, and the World of Birds. The Xing­hai Square, sit­u­ated at the Xing­hai Bay, was built at the cen­ten­nial of the City of Dalian (1998) and is the largest city square in the world. Dalian has been a Spe­cial Eco­nomic Zone since 1984. The nu­mer­ous branches of for­eign com­pa­nies, such as the Lieb­herr-Werke and Wal-Mart are lo­cated in the city.