
Gothen­burg - Swe­den

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1965

Gothen­burg is char­ac­ter­ized by its rich sur­round­ing na­ture. Thus, en­joy­ing the most beau­ti­ful parks in Scan­di­navia or try­ing out ca­noe­ing on one of more than 50 lakes, is within arm’s reach. At the theme park Lise­berg, you can have fun and en­joy head­spin­ning rides, as well as nu­mer­ous con­certs in sum­mer. In No­vem­ber, how­ever, the park opens its large Christ­mas mar­ket. At the Uni­ver­seum, which is a huge aquar­ium and rain­for­est, you can go on a sa­fari and learn about a va­ri­ety of ex­otic an­i­mals and plants - all un­der one roof. The in­dus­try is based on mar­itime, mo­tor ve­hi­cle pro­duc­tion (Volvo), steel, iron and tex­tile in­dus­tries.