
Ri­jeka - Croa­tia

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1966

Ri­jeka is a Mediter­ranean city, a mod­ern, ur­ban set­tle­ment with ex­cel­lent drink­ing wa­ter, clean beaches and pure sea wa­ter.

 View of Rijeka from Trsat
View of Ri­jeka from Tr­sat | photo: City of Ri­jeka

If you want to meet some­one or take a cof­fee and re­lax, you may visit the Ko­rzo, the main prom­e­nade in the his­toric city cen­tre and stop at one of the nu­mer­ous cof­fee-shops and ter­races.

The main cathe­dral of Ri­jeka, St. Vi­tus, is named af­ter the city pa­tron and it is lo­cated in the Old Town. It is a Baroque ro­tunda of mon­u­men­tal pro­por­tions, built by the Je­suits. As Ri­jeka used to be a strong in­dus­trial cen­tre, the city is rich in in­dus­trial her­itage, such as the tor­pedo launch sta­tion, part of the White­head-Ship­yard where the world‘s first tor­pedo was de­signed and pro­duced back in 1860.