
Turku - Fin­land

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1959

Turku in­tends to be car­bon neu­tral by 2040. Even ice hockey is played eco­log­i­cally in Turku, by uti­liz­ing the en­ergy cre­ated by the cool­ing sys­tems to heat the premises. When vis­it­ing Turku, take a look at the Har­mo­nia, a foun­tain sculp­ture by Achim Kühn, emerg­ing from the Aura River and have a walk along the Old Great Square in the old city cen­ter.

Re­cently has Rolls-Royce made the de­ci­sion to lo­cate its new re­search and de­vel­op­ment cen­ter fo­cus­ing on re­mote-con­trolled and au­tonomous ships in Turku, which is a good in­vest­ment for the city.