
Varna - Bul­garia

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1966

Varna is the third largest city in Bul­garia, with an area of 205 km². Its po­si­tion on the North­ern shore of the Black Sea, along with its rich­ness in nat­ural re­sources make it one of the fa­mous re­sorts Eu­rope wide and def­i­nitely the largest one in the Black Sea re­gion. 

In the ar­chae­o­log­i­cal mu­seum Varna you can find the old­est processed gold, which was found in the 70s in ex­ca­va­tions near Varna and is more than 6,500 years old.

The palace build­ing “Evksino­grad” in­cludes his­tor­i­cal parks with the green­houses, as well as the chapel “St. Dim­i­tar‘s”. The cli­mate in the area and its other nat­ural re­sources for the de­vel­op­ment of in­dus­try, trade, tourism and com­mu­ni­ca­tions.