
Dunkirk - France

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1960

The name of Dunkirk de­rives from West Flem­ish „dun(e)“ (dune or dun) and „kerke“ (church), mean­ing „church in the dunes“.

Un­til the mid­dle of the 20th cen­tury the dis­trict was French Flem­ish. The Bel­fry Saint Eloi, also called the Bel­fry of Dunkirk was built in 15th cen­tury.

Its tower of­fers a wide view over the city. Dunkirk has the third-largest har­bor in France. As an in­dus­trial place it de­pends heav­ily on the steel, food pro­cess­ing, oil-re­fin­ing, ship-build­ing and chem­i­cal in­dus­tries.