
Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC)

Ro­s­tock co-founded this net­work of cities in the Baltic Sea Re­gion in 1991 in Gdansk (Poland). To­day UBC has about 60 mem­ber cities from Den­mark, Es­to­nia, Fin­land, Ger­many, Latvia, Lithua­nia, Nor­way, Poland and Swe­den. The cities work to­gether in dif­fer­ent the­matic com­mis­sions and work­ing groups.

Above all, the goals of UBC are to pro­mote co­op­er­a­tion and ex­change of ex­pe­ri­ence be­tween cities in the Baltic Sea re­gion in or­der to pro­mote sus­tain­able ur­ban so­lu­tions and qual­ity of life. In ad­di­tion, the top­ics of en­vi­ron­men­tal friend­li­ness, re­source-sav­ing growth and par­tic­i­pa­tory pol­icy-mak­ing are in fo­cus.