
Szczecin - Poland

Part­ner­ship with Ro­s­tock since 1957

Ro­s­tock and Szczecin have the longest twin­ning his­tory be­tween Ger­man and Pol­ish cities, dat­ing back to 1957.

When vis­it­ing, en­joy one of the con­certs at the mod­ern Phil­har­monic Hall or ex­plore the cas­tle of the Pomeran­ian Dukes.

The most im­por­tant as­set of the city is by all means knowl­edge. Szczecin has many dif­fer­ent types of in­sti­tutes for higher ed­u­ca­tion, like uni­ver­si­ties, tech­ni­cal col­leges and even a col­lege of cos­me­tol­ogy. One of the pil­lars of the city’s econ­omy is the mar­itime in­dus­try.
There is a great deal of in­vest­ment in the re­search fa­cil­i­ties, in­fra­struc­ture and IT.