
Edu­ca­ti­on through sci­ence

Foun­ded in 1419, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ros­tock is a mo­dern com­pre­hen­si­ve uni­ver­si­ty, whe­re so­me 13,000 stu­dents from over 70 coun­tries en­joy a wi­de ran­ge of mo­re than 100 cour­ses at ni­ne fa­cul­ties. Its cour­ses in en­gi­nee­ring, phy­sics and me­di­ci­ne in­de­ed rank among so­me of Ger­many’s best. And when it co­mes to re­se­arch, the uni­ver­si­ty fo­cu­ses on in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry re­se­arch in the fiel­ds of ‘life, light and  mat­ter’, ‘ma­ri­ti­me sys­tems’, ‘the age­ing of the in­di­vi­du­al and so­cie­ty’, and ‘know­ledge – cul­tu­re – trans­for­ma­ti­on’.